So I told Y'all that I'd put some pics of the Christmas tree on here, so .... here she is!
but as far as the skirt I'd like to put some batting and tulle on top of the lights to make it look like glistening snow ( speaking of glistening snow I went o Wal-Mart today to buy the glade plug- in scent, and It's no where t be found, what a bummer huh?) OK now that that's over with I know that I'm a dork, but I'm kinda Crazy about my house smelling good!
So My favorite Christmas Decor for my living room has to be my bookcase cover (we keep movies in it and when Raine was smaller she'd take everyone of the out well I got kinda tired of it so made a few of these) I was just really please with the way it turned out! (Back to that laziness I still haven't made my matching pillows.)
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